Belly Binding
What is it?
Bengkung belly binding is the traditional Malaysian art of wrapping a postpartum person’s belly for physical support and to speed up the recovery process after childbirth.
This belly binding technique uses a long strip of cloth to wrap around the abdomen from the hips up to the ribcage. This wrapping usually begins as soon after birth as possible, ideally between day 3-5 and then worn for 10-12 hours per day for at least 40 days. For cesarean section recovery, starting binding after the incision has healed, usually starting anywhere between 2-4 weeks postpartum.
What are the Benefits?
Provides the postpartum body with 360 degree support
Gives support for the torso while organs return to pre-pregnancy size and position
Supports pelvic floor, which is the support system for the lower intestine, colon, and bladder. (This lack of organ support is why women suffer incontinence when coughing, sneezing, or laughing after giving birth.
Supports and assists abdominal wall healing and pulls separated abdominal muscles back together. This is a healing process for the condition known as diastasis recti
Supports the body’s natural spine and posture realignment, improving posture and getting rid of the “S”-shaped spine that’s common for pregnant women
Reduces water retention and gas/bloating
Stabilizes loose ligaments
Helps to prevent and relieve lower back aches and strains
Prevents slouching while feeding or holding your baby
Helps to slim the ribcage, belly and hips
Decreases postpartum bleeding
Why not just use a standard postpartum wrap, like a Belly Bandit?
First, it’s longer. A longer wrap provides holistic support to all of the abdominal and pelvic organs and muscles. The pressure of a longer wrap on the hip area helps the cervix shrink and allows the pelvic muscles to heal without being further stretched.
Second, it’s higher and lower. Instead of only going around the belly, binding includes the hips and the ribcage as well. This allows for better healing.
Last, the bengkung style of binding can actually help heal diastasis recti with the constant supportive pressure on the abdomen. When the abdominal muscles separate, their strength is reduced and this can lead to back pain. Diastasis Recti is common and can require physical therapy to heal without early intervention.
So, standard belly wraps can provide firm support, feel great, and help the body look slimmer, but belly binding is unique in that it actually heals the body.
Products and Services
Belly Binding Wrap: 1 handmade, custom wrap with a muslin or batik fabric of your choosing and made according to your size.
Raw edges: $50 muslin, $75 batik
Serged edges (prevents fraying): $100 muslin, $125 batik
Belly Binding Package: Belly Binding Wrap + in-home binding application/lesson.
I’ll deliver your wrap to your home and help you (or a partner) with your first binding session.
Raw edge wrap + Lesson: $125 muslin, $150 batik
Serged edge wrap + Lesson: $150 muslin, $175 batik
(add $20 round trip for locations between 16-20 miles away, $30 round trip for locations between 21-30 miles away, $40 round trip for locations between 31-40 miles away, $50 round trip for locations between 41-50 miles away, and $60 round trip for locations 51-60 miles away)
Spend a few minutes per day to take care of yourself while you’re busy taking care of a newborn
You deserve care too : )
Contact me for your own made-to-order wrap.